










成人肖像, created from the work of the Guiding Coalition and the broader community, 适用于所有在学区工作的成年人. 它阐明了帮助成年人支持每个学生实现毕业肖像之旅的品质.



播客- 愿景2035:成人肖像


Building upon existing district office and state department of education key competencies, 标准, understandings and expectations for educators and administrators, 我们的成人肖像补充了研究生肖像, 它是专门为支持这项工作而设计的. Alongside state and departmental 标准 and competencies, the 成人的肖像 creates a more holistic approach that is targeted to this district.

成人肖像 has major implications for the human resources lifecycle, 劳动关系和各种相关的和持续的专业学习,成年人将需要为了体现肖像.






After being celebrated for his work and 30 years at 菠菜网lol正规平台, JJ回顾了他专注于股票的变革推动者之旅: 

“When I first started working on this I thought I’d get some personal understanding, but I couldn’t see at that point how it connected with my job. Working in nutrition services we think about hygiene and food safety, 把所有的东西都取出来,迅速上菜. Although through the pandemic I realized how many people were dependent on the food we served, everything was so crazy then I still wasn’t making the connection. 

“Then in 2025 I joined a 协作 project about food access and we learned from our data team, 来自长滩市, 菠菜网lol正规平台我们地区的贫困程度. We looked at where grocery stores were located, and which ones were struggling or closing. We heard from Educational Services colleagues about what students need. 然后我采访了一些学生和家庭. 哇! 真让人大开眼界. Now I understand just how important good nutrition is to students’ abilities to focus and learn, that families can’t always provide everything they want to, and how I can be a partner in that—helping students to access good nutrition, 帮助学生对食物做出正确的选择. 我一直都知道我们的工作很重要, but now I understand the real difference it can make to a student’s success.”





安吉圣, 28, is the first to admit that when she was a high-school student, she posted way too much revealing information on social media. 

“我花了几年时间清理我的社交媒体历史. But it has helped me to help my students make better choices. In the early years of social media we were less aware of that. My generation posted everything… when I think back to some of my TikToks, I cringe! 老一辈人也帮不上忙. A lot of people were just downright cruel online because they weren’t face-to-face with someone. And then there’s the whole dopamine fix of getting likes. 

“Being asked as a teacher to model ethical online behavior has been very powerful. While it has helped me be more thoughtful about what I post, it has also led to some very deep conversations in class about the rules of discourse, including cultural differences in discourse (whether that is ethnicity based, 基于年龄, 等.), 核实网上言论的方法,以及在网上阅读和传达情感语气的方法,这样我们的话就不会被误解. 去年,我的一组学生也用他们所学的知识创建了一个清单,列出了判断你是否被骗的方法, 这是病毒式传播的, and has been very useful—I shared it with my parents and they loved it.”

“来自未来的故事” are micro design fictions that show what possible futures could look like. 这些是为了说明,而不是规定.